Lactic Acidosis

  1. Lactic acidosis is one of the best biomarkers of acute critical illness, its presence should alert the clinician to a major stress response, where medical and surgical and iatrogenic sources should be considered.
  2. The magnitude and duration of hyperlactatemia (in the acute phase) is predictive of patient prognosis in critical illness. A sustained high lactate reflects a prolonged stress response. The lactate is not the cause or the problem. It is merely a biomarker.

If I were to pick one topic over which I have sweated tear during the past 2 decades, it is lactic acidosis. The problem is that every time I try to explain lactic acidosis, many of those around me become hostile, as if I was committing some atrocity against their religion. And that is because, for the past 100 years, every high school, science, nursing and medical student has been taught that lactate is a waste product that is only made in anerobic conditions. This is 100% ABSOLUTELY completely verifiably WRONG. Lactate, or lactic acid is produced all the time, continuously, in all tissues and is likely the major endpoint of glycolysis. Once produced, it is then either used for oxidative phosphorylation, shuttled to other tissues as a partially metabolized energy source (e.g. the heart and the brain – they love lactate) or metabolized in the liver, principally (the “Cori Cylcle”) – where gluconeogenesis takes place leading to subsequent glycogen storage, fat production or oxidative phosphorylation. As such, glucose is a universal substrate and lactate is a universal fuel.

Lactic acidosis occurs when the production of lactate exceeds the capacity of the liver to clear it. As we produce at least 1250mmol of lactate per day and it is barely measurable in the blood, hepatic clearance capacity is vast. Hyperadrenergic states promote the production of lactate, increase blood glucose and reduce hepatosplanchnic blood flow. The consequence is sometimes called “stress hyperlactatemia” or “aerobic glycolysis.” This is the form of hyperlactatemic seen in sepsis, for example. As such it is an acute phase reactant biomarker – lactate concentration mirrors adrenaline/epinephrine, and should be seen in the same light as CRP, IL-6 and Procalcitonin.

Hyperlactatemia results in metabolic acidosis as a consequence of water dissociation. The strong ion difference (SID) falls. The surplus “hydrogen ions” are mopped up by bicarbonate resulting in a modest fall in pH, but a mEq/L for mEq/L fall in bicarbonate and base excess. Lacate, like Chloride and Ketones, always functions as an acid surrogate and chronic hyperlactatemia is compensated for, usually, by increasing urinary Chloride loss, manifest as hypochloremia.

The terms “Type A” and “Type B” lactic acidosis were introduced by Huckabee in 1961. I believe that these monikers are still useful today. “Type A” represents lactic acidosis associated with blood loss and hypovolemia, intense systemic and splanchnic vasoconstriction, high ejection fraction, low stroke volume and cardiac output and low mixed venous oxygen saturation. Production of lactate increases (and this is multifactorial – not just anerobic), and production falls – due to hepatic hypoperfusion. The treatment is resuscitation, preferably with blood products.

For lactic acidosis, what is not Type A must be Type B – and this represents medley causes (toxic – alcohols), metabolic (end stage liver disease), inflammatory (sepsis), drug induced (metformin and particularly intravenous or inhaled catecholamines).

The term “Clearance” has been used to describe the removal of lactate from the circulation. It is a pharmacological rather than biochemical term, and that has led to some abuse in clinical practice: the belief that “Clearance” can be hurried along with aggressive fluid resuscitation. However, like any particle that is metabolized by the liver, clearance of lactate is determined by the quantity delivered, hepatic blood flow and hepatic clearance capacity. If there is a sustained surge in lactate production, then it may take a while for the liver to clear the surplus from the system while simultaneously dealing with the continued production of lactate by the tissues. In critical illness, we like to see the plasma lactate level falling, but 10-20% is sufficient to be reassuring. A rising lactate is ominous and may indicated inadequate source control or a secondary problem, such as bowel ischemia.

Lactic acidosis may or may not be a marker of tissue perfusion. It is a poor endpoint of resuscitation – and if used as such (the “drive by saline assault”), the result is fluid overload, mutiiorgan dysfunction and prolonged ICU stay.

Sodium Lactate Solutions do not cause lactic acidosis, as they are fully balanced. Most formulations contain a racemic mixture of L-Lactate (which is what the body produces) and D-Lactate (produced by fermentation by bacteria). Blood gas machines do not measure D-Lactate.

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